In a small, bustling city, a young professional noticed her eyes becoming increasingly irritated and dry. She attributed it to long hours spent staring at screens, but the discomfort persisted even after reducing her screen time. Meanwhile, in a nearby school, a teacher observed that several students were struggling to read from the board, despite being known to have normal vision.
What could be the common thread between these two seemingly unrelated scenarios? The answer lies in the air they breathe – specifically, the poor indoor air quality that pervades their homes, schools, and workplaces.
Our Eyes and Our Indoor Air Quality
To see our surroundings and people around us we need our eyes to remain open, making them exposed to several air pollutants. Indoor air pollutants, such as Particulate Matter (PM), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), can have a profound impact on our eyes. Though often disregarded, air quality significantly affects our eyes.

Short-term effects of poor air quality on our eyesight include
- Itching, watery eyes, and eye allergies
- Blurred vision and Dry Eye Syndrome (DES)
- Increased risk of cataracts and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
- Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis (AHC)
Consequence of Poor Vision
Poor vision can affect daily life, productivity, and overall well-being. For children, it can hinder academic performance, while for adults, it can increase the risk of accidents and reduced productivity
What Can Be Done to Mitigate This Threat?
Eye doctors and healthcare professionals can play a crucial role in promoting healthy vision by installing reliable and sustainable medical-grade air purifiers in their clinics. The Healthy Air D-orbital Nano Oxide (DNO) Catalyst Air Purifier is an excellent choice, with its ability to capture 99.99% of all airborne pollutants.
By purchasing and installing The Healthy Air purifier in your indoor space, eye doctors can:
- Create a healthy environment for their patients
- Prevent vision problems caused and transmitted by infected air
- Manage existing eye health conditions more effectively

Take Action Today!
However, it’s not just eye doctors who can benefit from this technology. Individuals can also install the HA DNO Catalyst Air Purifier in their homes, schools, and workplaces to breathe clean air and protect their vision.
Don’t wait until it’s too late! Most eye diseases result in blindness. Order your HA DNO Catalyst Air Purifier now and take the first step towards a clear vision and a healthier life!
Do you want to place an order or need an air quality test for your indoor space, kindly visit our website at or call +2348039898222.