Lung cancer is no longer just a smoker’s disease. A growing number of women who have never smoked are being diagnosed, with cases rising at an alarming rate.

The Lancet Respiratory Medicine published research that revealed that lung adenocarcinoma, the most common type of lung cancer among non-smokers, accounts for nearly 60% of lung cancer cases in women compared to 45% in men. Research has also pointed to air pollution, genetic mutations, hormone fluctuations, and chronic inflammation as major contributors.

Poor Air Quality and Women’s Lungs

Women are disproportionately affected by indoor and environmental pollution. Toxic fumes from cooking, heating, and occupational exposure in industries like beauty and healthcare increase their risk. Unlike smoking, these pollutants are unavoidable and silently attack the lungs over time. Poor Air Quality triggers several reactions that endanger the human body, such as Gene Mutation, Chronic Inflammation, and Hormonal Imbalance.

Poor air quality triggers genetic mutations: ecent studies suggest that exposure to toxic air containing PM2.5 may be responsible for gene mutations that lead to cancer in non-smoker women. It is known to trigger the mutation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) genes, the Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) genes and c-ROS oncogene 1 (ROSi) genes, contributing to the increasing prevalence of lung cancer in non-smokers.

Poor Air Quality and Chronic Inflammation: As life expectancy increases, more women are accumulating years of immune system activation, leading to a higher risk of developing inflammation-related lung cancer. Polluted air increases the risk of chronic inflammation, causing autoimmune diseases that result in cancer most of the time.

Poor Air Quality and Hormonal Imbalance: Toxic air can trigger hormone fluctuations, which in turn influence tumor growth in women owing to the presence of estrogen receptors on lung tissues that promote tumor growth, which may also lead to cancer in women.

Women are particularly vulnerable to lung cancer as they have smaller lungs compared to men, with narrower airways, which might cause more fine toxic particles, like PM2.5, to get trapped in their lungs.

A Revolutionary Solution: Healthy Air DNO Catalyst Medical-Grade Purification System

Understanding the role of air quality on the immune system, hormones, and genetics is key to preventing lung cancer. Eliminating air pollutants at the source is crucial in reducing lung cancer risks. The Healthy Air DNO Catalyst Medical-Grade Purification System is engineered to destroy 99.99% of harmful airborne pollutants—including PM2.5, viruses, bacteria, and volatile organic compounds—without releasing secondary pollutants. Its advanced Nano-oxide catalytic technology ensures continuous air purification, providing a safer indoor environment for homes, offices, and medical facilities.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from invisible threats

  • By installing the Healthy Air DNO Catalyst Medical-Grade Purification System in indoor spaces.
  • Reduce exposure to outdoor air pollution by using adequate PPEs.
  • Promote awareness and education about the risks of air pollution and the importance of clean air.

Breathe cleaner, live healthier!